Mail Art - Russia
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Mark Bloch
Reeperbahn 1997
Collages from artist Vadim Katorgin
Collages from artist K.Malakhof
Movies Mail Art Russia
Mail Art World
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The Exhibition Moscow 15 August 2004

Movies Mail ART

In this video Ivan Zemtsov, curator of mail-art project "Satellite" and the II International Exhibition mail art in Yoshkar-Olinskom Museum of Fine Arts, gave an interview correspondent regional television. The meeting was held on the eve of the opening of the exhibition. In the film you can see some of the participants in the project.

Exhibitions by Ivan Zemtsov

Mail Art exhibition in 2004 by Vadim Katorgin, Kostya Malahof, Yuriy Oleynik
Mail Art exhibition in 2004 by Yuriy Gik

Exhibitions by Ivan Zemtsov

Exhibitions by Ivan Zemtsov
designed by Katorgin
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Address author site: KATORGIN VADIM Stalevarov 32-150 111558 Moscow, RUSSIA
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